Ladies, Here Are 7 Surefire Signs That You’re Dating A Fuck Boy!



Okay I’m just going to assume that by now, we all know what a fuck boy is…

But for the sake of those who might be living in a hole, a fuck boy is the kinda guy that’s not really into you. He’s there for the benefits; be it financial or physical benefits. Sadly, some type of magic attracts us to this inhumane soul and we get attached blindly, only to later get our hearts broken.

Ladies, here are signs that he’s a fuck boy:

He doesn’t want labels.
This kind of guy will start talking to you even when he’s already in a relationship, talking about how “It’s a complicated relationship”. You will date him for seven solid months and when you ask him to define the relationship, you know? The cliche “So what are we?” he will not have an answer for it. Matter of fact, he will probably say something like “I don’t like labels…let’s just take things slow”. That’s a fuck boy!

He doesnt want labels

2. He doesn’t want to be seen in public with you.
You know why? Cause fuck boys talk to a dozen of other girls…and not just the talking…the sleeping too. So why would he risk his ass being seen with you?

He doesnt want to be seen in public with you

3. Zero ambition.
When you lurk through his Instagram, all you see is a bunch of shirtless selfies, money shots, bottles of Hennessy, fake Yeezy’s and Gucci belts. You’ll probably also spot a video of him washing an iPhone 7 captioned ‘giving my phone a bath’ nigga please! Show us your business certificate of incorporation or something more impressive…

Zero Ambition


4. He always hides his phone.
And it’s always on silent mode cause he doesn’t want you to hear all the notifications coming in. It’s got passwords that even a hacker somewhere in China cannot crack.

5. He’s always asking for nudes.
Every time he hits you up on whatsapp, there’s no meaningful conversation that he’s about to start it’s always “So what are you wearing? Can I see?” SMH. You wonder why these people can’t just go to pornhub and please themselves.

Asking for nudes

6. His social media accounts.
If you happen to like say five of his photos, he will DM you, hoping to get into your pants. Fuck boys just want to get laid and they will inbox every other pretty girl. Please don’t feel special when a cute Insta famous guy messages you. You’re just exhibit A and there’s A-Z.

7. Communication.
He will only talk to you or meet up with you when it’s convenient for him. This is the kind that will text you past midnight or ask you to come ‘watch movies’.

Creepy Black Man SMiling

Girl, if your man spots any of these signs, you better run for your life before you’re hurt.